Project Description
Location: Toba Inlet, British Columbia (BC)
LoadPath’s assignment on this project was to provide 2 powerhouse structures for Plutonic’s Run-of-the-River green power hydroelectric generation stations. Completed under sub-contract to Peter Keiwit & Sons, both the Toba and Montrose projects are located up Toba Inlet on BC’s rugged south coast. Completed in 2009 and 2010, these buildings house the largest run-of-the-river turbine-generators in BC. Each project was different, with design similarities, but different layouts. Both buildings were designed to meet “post-disaster” requirements under the building code, so they are heavily framed and braced. With the Toba project having the greater generating capacity, its powerhouse structure was required to support a 160 tonne generator servicing bridge crane. This crane was also used to construct the turbine generator. LoadPath is proud to have been part of Keiwit’s construction team on this very interesting project.